My Climate Journey: ClassACT HR85 Climate Action Working Group

This month, HACE shares more about ClassACT HR85’s Climate Action Working Group. The ClassACT HR85 Climate Working Group is a group of College 1985 alumni who are trying to make positive change, together, on the impact of climate change. They may not have all the answers, but they are convinced that their views as alumni and members of the global Harvard community can shape how Harvard follows through on its commitments.

The ClassACT HR85 Climate Action Working Group’s Harvard and Climate Leadership Survey is collecting responses through April 30, 2023. It should take just a few minutes to complete. For any questions, please email

The ClassACT HR85 Climate Action Working Group Journey

Alumni generated creative and potent activities when a pandemic collided with a much-anticipated class reunion.

Before the Class of 1985’s 35th Reunion in 2020, alumni organized a virtual book club with climate change as one of the topics. Guest speakers included History of Science Professor Naomi Oreskes and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering Daniel Schrag. Following what turned into a three-day virtual reunion, some alumni left wondering, “What else can we do? Maybe we should try and keep this going.”

Debbie Kaufman, as HR85 Reunion Co-Chair, put a small group of alumni in touch with Harvard Class ‘73 alumni who had founded ClassACT HR73, an initiative that brings together alumni to work for social change and build friendships. Debbie and Liz Losos ’85 felt that ClassACT HR73 had a good model for mobilizing classmates to join forces and pursue social impact. They focused on causes that had been identified during reunion planning that focus on topics it thought were not only socially relevant but also emotionally rewarding, considering where alumni were in their lives. Based on positive responses to a survey gauging interest, ClassACT HR85 was born with three subgroups: Global Health, Protecting Democracy, and Climate. 

The ClassACT HR85 Climate Action Working Group first met on September 8, 2021. On top of its list of objectives was for Harvard to commit to meaningful action on climate change. Literally the next day, President Bacow released an email with Harvard’s climate pledge to be fossil fuel-free by 2050, a commitment to divest from fossil fuel producers, and the appointment of James Stock as Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability.

Buoyed by this unexpected and welcome news, their newly formed group quickly responded. They composed a letter to President Bacow expressing their appreciation for his recent announcement and their encouragement for Harvard to act boldly. Seventy-nine classmates signed the letter which they sent on September 21, 2021.

The ClassACT HR85 Climate Action Working Group has been hard at work ever since. Using the Project Drawdown Model, they developed a framework to review Harvard’s climate actions. ClassACT HR85 believes Harvard can and should be a climate leader. With their survey data, they hope to show the range and breadth of Harvard alumni and affiliates that care deeply about the university taking strong climate action on multiple fronts: education; research; policy; campus sustainability; divestment from fossil fuel investments; engagement with alumni and community stakeholders.

ClassACT HR85 intends to work toward having Harvard address the climate crisis with a comprehensive “Moonshots” mindset. Group members have opened channels of communication to share their concerns with Harvard Administration leaders. They welcome fellow Class ‘85 alums to join!


My Climate Journey: Shana Bonstin, MUP ‘01


My Environmental Justice Journey: Sophia Wen, AB ‘12