Eleanor Powers
Eleanor Powers, Founder and President of Powers Media & Entertainment Consulting, is a media executive with a deep commitment to fighting climate change. She has deep knowledge of digital advertising, marketing and publishing companies, technologies and ecosystems and has specialized in research and strategy to accelerate transformation in complex industries undergoing rapid change including extensive work in financial and operational benchmarking, business-to-business product/market strategy, and comprehensive overviews and whitepapers. She has held executive positions at digital start-up L2 Inc., The Online Publishers Association (Digital Content Next), United Media (Scripps Howard), Fairchild Publications (CapCities/ABC - Disney) and consulted for McKinsey & Company. Early in her career she was an agricultural development consultant in appropriate technologies for Philippine Business for Social Progress in Manila and the Executive Director for Mass Federation of Farmers Markets, a non-profit starting and supporting retail cooperatives for small farmers in Massachusetts. She maintained her links to economic development as Co-Chair of Oxfam America’s New York Committee from 2004 to 2012.
Eleanor has an MBA from The Stanford Graduate School of Business and graduated summa cum laude from Harvard Radcliffe College. She has an MA in Food Policy and Agricultural Economics from The Food Research Institute at Stanford University. Eleanor has been a part of a small group of Harvard alumni founding Harvard Alumni for Climate and the Environment, an official Harvard Alumni shared interest group. She is currently acting as is Programming Direct as well as its Finance Director.